Calendar Year 1427
Bangla Date Today in Calendar Year 1427 Bongabda | 2020 Khristhabda
Bangla/Bengali Date Today:
Today (Bangla) is Monday 23rd Bhadra 1427
আজ (বাংলা) সোমবার ২৩শে ভাদ্র ১৪২৭ বঙ্গাব্দ
Today (English) is Monday 07th September 2020
Current Month of Bengali Year: 1427
শুক্র | শনি | রবি | সোম | মঙ্গল | বুধ | বৃহঃ |
১ Aug16 | ২ 17 | ৩ 18 | ৪ 19 | ৫ 20 | ||
৬ 21 | ৭ 22 | ৮ 23 | ৯ 24 | ১০ 25 | ১১ 26 | ১২ 27 |
১৩ 28 | ১৪ 29 | ১৫ 30 | ১৬ 31 | ১৭ Sep1 | ১৮ 2 | ১৯ 3 |
২০ 4 | ২১ 5 | ২২ 6 | ২৩ 7 | ২৪ 8 | ২৫ 9 | ২৬ 10 |
২৭ 11 | ২৮ 12 | ২৯ 13 | ৩০ 14 | ৩১ 15 |
What is the Bengali year now?
Ans: Bengali year 1427 now.
What is the current Bengali month?
Ans: Current Bengali month name is Bhadra
What is the Bengali year of 2020?
Ans: Gregorian calendar year 2020 is made of two Bengali years 1427 (It consists of 3 months - Magh, Falgun, Chaitra consecutively) and 1428 (It consists of 9 months - Boishakh, Joishtha, Ashar, Srabon, Bhadra, Ashwin, Kartik, Ogrohayon, Poush consecutively)
How many days are in Bengali calendar?
Ans: There are 365 days or 366 days (leap year) in the Bengali calendar.
What is Bengali New Year called?
Ans: Bengali New Year called Bangla Noboborsha
What is the differnce between the words 'Bengali' and 'Bangla'?
Ans: In a sense, there is no distinction between them, both 'Bengali' and 'Bangla' are synonyms. The word 'Bengali' is sound internationally by the English speaking people or in English literature and the word 'Bangla' is uttered by the native speakers of this language.
This month's holiday list
15th Bhadra - 30th August - Sunday - Moharrum (Ashura) (আশুরা)
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